Monday, October 02, 2006

Republicans Are Fucking Idiots!

I have been away in Canada visiting family for a couple of days and I come back to what??? A Republican scandal involving Rep. Foley from Florida in rehab with his lawyer claiming that he is most definitely not a pedophile but an alcoholic who only acted the way that he did because of the booze!

Seriously, are you kidding me? I am so very very sick and tired of the Republican machine just thinking that everyone must be so fucking stupid. I mean, the guy made sexual advances at children right? That makes you a pedophile right? I don't care if you've had a drink or not you made a sexual advance to a child... pedophile. Period. Yet, the republicans will convince millions of Americans that it's okay because he is battling a serious illness. The poor man is an alcoholic. What a total fucking mockery of the system, and a complete insult to anyone with half a brain. I can't even imagine a reasonable person looking at this situation and not thinking that this guy is a pedophile who needs to be charged and that the leaders of the Republican party must share in some of the blame for covering up whatever portion of this sordid tale that they knew about.

Oh, and how dare those nutjobs over at Americans for Truth or whatever the hell they call themselves equate Foley's actions with being seduced by the homosexual agenda. When are they going to admit that the vast majority of pedophiles are straight white men? When? Serisously, drop dead!

Okay, so enough anger for now... it totally steams me up.

I am battling allergies that are almost too much for me. The plane ride home to the parents place was a killer, I thought I might sneeze myself to death by the time I got off and it was only a sixty minute flight.

It was a nice visit home though. I saw my new niece and some friends. I was hoping for a night to go out in my home town which is becoming increasingly gay and I am curious to see how it is going. God, if only it had been this way when I was in high school. I imagine I would have had a lot more fun. It was such a conservative place through the 80's and a gay bar was the furthest thing from my imagination. Now there are several and they look like fun.... bummer that I didn't have time to enjoy. I am hoping that when I do I find someone to have some fun with like the pic above..... it's no likely that gay yet... but a boy can dream right?


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