Saturday, August 26, 2006

Okay, It Has Begun... And My Feet Are Bleeding

Finally, I am officially paperworked and processed and all set to be working away at my shiny new job. I walked around the offices on Friday with the biggest grin on my face - I kept thinking to myself "Try not to look like a complete idiot" over and over again. I hope it worked. Although I really am not sure. It's all a bit of a blur. Mostly because by the time I was half way through introductions I realized that the new shoes I had just purchased to go with my black suit were now past the point of giving me blisters and were now just cutting into my flesh. Curse those fantastic Italian shoe designers!

I do think I am going to get along with my co-workers fabulously though so that is exciting. Apart from my own staff at my store I have not had a great deal of luck with cool and upbeat co-workers.
Take for example the random assortment of crazzies that comprised the staff of my school in the South Bronx. Here are just a few:

1. Head Crazy and Generally Abusive/Manipulative Woman

So, I am all for people who want to excel in their careers and really try to get ahead as quickly as possible, but when your main motivation is "I want to make $100 000.00 by the time I'm 30 no matter what." then chances are you are going to be a bit bankrupt in the morals department. The individual will creep under, crawl over, step on, or set aside anyone that sits between her and the $$'s. That is of course unless it means doing something right just because it is the right thing to do - then she's typically "in a meeting".

2. Most Completely and Totally Crazy Person I Have Ever Met

There are not even words to describe this one.... This is just the best example of who he is. I was working on the computers in his classroom and popped in just at the start of class to install a cable - hopefully with little or no disruption. As I entered the room the students were all huddled over in one corner and quickly looked at me and whispered "Shhhh. Mr. Crazy is sleeping - he's not feeling well." and sure enough over on the other side of the classroom, laying on the floor, was Mr. Crazy! Fully asleep.

Oh the cast of characters involved in that place. I will have to introduce more here soon.

On the fun side, I brought home a cute British boy last night. After an evening of wine and antipasto on a patio I headed off to the bars with my friend and immediately was drawn to this tall lanky Brit. We hit it off and ended up heading back here to my place for an evening (or should I say early morning?) of fun. I could listen to that accent all day.... yum.

So, it's cloudy and gray and I am lazing about my pad. The pic is my mood to a "t".


Blogger Tay Hota said...

ooo, sexy brit and lazy day... two of my faves...

9:50 AM  
Blogger Bloooog said...

Haha I can't wait to see the rest of your coworker profiles.

Mr. Craziest Person You've Ever Met may be my new favorite character. I hope to be like him (if I'm not him already)

9:50 AM  

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