Thursday, August 10, 2006

Okay Okay so it's work... what did I expect?

What can I say about being back at work. I like it. I like being back doing something I am good at. I like being busy, although the past few months have been anything but dull. There is something I don't like about it though... and I know what it is. I don't like where it is. My immediate supervisor is great and she works incredibly hard and she has amazing energy but there are challenges involved. Not that I'm not up for the challenges, I love being challenged. Hence staying in the South Bronx as a teacher for five years.

I think a big part of it is still adjusting. I got used to working for myself and setting my own goals for a while and enjoyed it so much. It makes it tough to be back in the thick of it... I dunno I need to process this a little bit more because as I write here I am getting a little more confused about my first impressions.

In other news, I saw The Man in a Suit today. I stopped by his work and we chatted for a bit. I was exhausted from work and we went for a quick walk and he made a point of mentioning that I always seem to have a big smile on my face. I tell you, he does it. God he makes me... well you know. I love it!

Back to the grindstone tomorrow and hoping that it is a bit more rewarding, although I sense that is a while off. Of course I got a callback from the ultimate gig that I interviewed for earlier in the week. I missed the call and returned it only to have to leave a voice message. I'm super nervous and want good news in a big big way. Keeping my fingers crossed.

The pic is a toast to sexy men in divine suiting.... bravo Gucci.


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