Friday, July 28, 2006

Whoppi Goldberg Rocks!

I just watched a relatively new standup performance on HBO featuring Whoopi Goldberg and I have to say that I really think she is remarkable. Granted some of the extended discussion of vaginas and the myriad issues that seem to arise within was mildly uncomfortable. You can tell she's pissed. She's pissed at George Bush. She's pissed at women who are walking around blind and men who are walking around ignorant. She's pissed at prejudice, injustice... it's a tall order but she does an amazing job being sincere and funny and shocking at the same time. If you haven't seen it it is her performance at the Lyceum theatre. I love that she's angry and standing up and saying something about it. We need more of that. This country needs more of it. When that piece of trash bullshitter passing herself as of as educated Ann Coulter can call Al Gore a "total Faggot" because he dares to stand up and talk about how badly we've screwed up and end up with a number one seller we need more Whoopi's. Coulter is foul and disgusting and I'm sure she would love me saying this but I really find her opinions completely worthless. Of course I'm not exactly her target audience am I?

I'm eagerly anticipating tomorrow night... hoping for a second date with an absolutely fascinating man that I met weeks ago. His schedule is crazy and we are in-touch all the time but have only managed to have one date thus far. There is something about him that makes me feel like a giddy fourteen year old girl. It's bizarre. I saw him in a suit the other day and I honestly think that a really well dressed man is so insanely sexy (hence the pic above). There is just something about him... that smoldering sexy thing... so I'm hoping we see each other tomorrow (Sat.) night. I will keep you posted.


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