Thursday, July 20, 2006

Why's It So Hard?

Montreal is hosting the Gay Games this summer. The whole city is plastered with banners and ads like the one pictured above. Montreal is an amazing city and being gay in Montreal is so much fun. I spent part of several summers there before moving to NYC.

They don't make it easy for Canadians to come to the US to work. It's a sad fact. I came originally because I was recruited by the NYC Board of Ed. and then placed in this hell hole of a school in the South Bronx. Literally the school was falling apart and so was my sanity in a matter of days after arriving there. It sounds crazy but I stayed for almost five years.

Towards the end of my first year when I had all but decided to get out of there before something really bad happened to me I was approached to write a grant proposal for a new school. I did. It was approved. I committed to the first four years of it's operation. By far the biggest challenge of my life both personally and professionally. It almost did me in. There were literally two to three days a week when I could have just come home and cried... I saw and heard such unbelievable things that I am still processing and working through them (I have been away from it for a year now).

Back to the work thing - so my visa was sponsored by the NYCBOE and it is transferable but convincing someone to transfer it is another story. Most employers cringe at the mention of a visa because it means having to deal with the government. Which of course I understand and can sympathize with but come on, I am worth it damnit! You can probably tell that I am a little nervous about the whole new job thing and I am waiting on pins and needles (Project Runway pun intended) to get an answer.

All this is making life a bit difficult and of course there is the whole insanely horny thing. Maybe it's the heat, maybe it's the dreams of the Ex, maybe it's that I got to mess around with a little hottie over the weekend and want some more... it's probably all of those right? Maybe this weekend will turn out something fun???


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