Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Blast From The...

I heard from an old friend today.... someone that I have only actually seen in person three times in over a decade but we have managed to stay in touch off and on. We check in and even when I go a long time without hearing from her I know she is out there working hard at her school and raising wonderful and insightful children. She is very lucky in my books and I am glad to have known her for so long. It was so nice to have a hello waiting in my email from her after not being in touch for a while. Just a nice surprise.

So, I am on pins and needles as I await the new job offer and I cannot stop thinking about it. There will be some much deserved celebration this weekend if it all comes together. I went to the gym this aft. to try to work some of the tension off and only managed to strain my neck a little. I know, I know whine whine whine... well it hurts. On the brighter side I saw one of the totally hot trainers coming out of the shower and he just has the finest abs I have yet to see... and he is working a really nice tan to boot.

In other news I am deeply disappointed in the outcome of this evenings Project Runway. How could they vote off Allison over Vincent? I know that the producers like the crazies to stick around for controversy and ratings, and she did botch the dress but come on! She was so talented. Bummer. And following PR my Bravo guilty pleasure Workout... what can I say? Jackie is a bonehead for spending two days with Mimi let alone four years. Mimi is chronically insecure and really such a child. I find her embarassing to watch which is why of course this whole episode was about her. Lose her Jackie, you can do better (although showing up for a date dressed like a dude probably isn't going to help right?).

The pic - here's to friends popping back up to say hello.


Blogger Tay Hota said...

vincent is a crazy fuck and the producers want him on for the drama, i think. I love Michael and Kayne more all the time. I almost peed myself when Kayne told them that he wanted his model to look like she'd been rolling around in the dumpster! royal, but he was honest, is talented and deserved to stay. Michael is dead on, but the tattoo guy deserved to win.

12:28 AM  

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