Sunday, October 29, 2006

Eventful Issues...

So, a couple of days ago I posted about a cute boy I met and how he had left me feeling... well I guess you can read it right below this post. He has made the past week eventful to say the least. As I mentioned in the previous post we had a really great day walking around the Botanical Gardens here in NYC and it was one of those days that you just don't get very often... and hence the events of the past week.

I said before that I find him intriguing and remarkably cute - I didn't mention that one of the reasons that I was feeling as I did was that there is a big age difference between us. I wouldn't have thought that seeing someone younger would be an issue but as it turns out it is - and surprisingly more for him it seems than me.

During dinner last week I asked him how old he was. He's definitely younger and it gave me reason to stop and think - having dated somone exactly the same age for a decade it never crossed my mind that there would be any reason to think of age as an issue (as long as everyone is an adult - and we both are). So, why does it matter? I mean, I get the obvious stuff but when you feel like you connect with someone in a way that strikes you as probably pretty rare then why does it matter? I have polled some of my friends and they each have their own take on it. Most say that in the end what matters is how the person makes you feel and vice versa. I hope that is it and would very much like it to be so... I'm not sure it will be though.

I have to be honest, what I find most interesting about him is that initial connection. I didn't just pick him up to hook up. I'm tired of that and it doesn't really interest me - it never really did. I like the connection. I like feeling like there is a reason why I am with this person. He seems to too. He was very vocal about it - I wonder if that will outweigh the other.

I'm still a sucker for a great smile...


Blogger Tay Hota said...

as long as he didn't order the kid's meal I'd agree with your friends that say follow your instincts and if you two are having fun... go for it!!! day by day... ; ) (congrats on being happy!!!!!!)

8:37 AM  

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